
Ready for MASSIVE change right now?

Are you DONE holding on to the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from accessing your highest timeline?

Does this sound like you?


☑️  You're tired of self-sabotaging the success, love and abundance you desire

☑️  You're sick of making decisions out of FEAR instead of expansion & FREEDOM

☑️  You're SOOOO over the whole 'one step forward, five steps back' pattern

☑️  You don't want to waste another day ***struggling*** to feel confident, fulfilled, and EXCITED about your life

☑️  And you're tired of scouring the internet for something that will ACTUALLY work...

Well, you're in the right place.

My Three Booking Types

Book my SIGNATURE 1:1 session!

Explore HTA Session

Book a PAST LIFE session!

Explore QPLR Session


Explore Cord Cutting

60 minutes ⏱️

Experience a massive breakthrough in your reality, frequency, relationships, career & finances.

In the Highest Timeline Activator Session, I help you go from...

➡️ Stuck in a lower frequency pattern of sabotaging your own success (this often looks like always getting *really close*but never quite breaking through to the other side)

➡️ Living in fear, scarcity or clinging to financial/abundance blocks

➡️ Confused on how to generate the income, success or attract the relationship you truly desire (wasting time on sh*t that doesn't move the needle)

➡️ Struggling to generate the income and success you desire

➡️ Lacking strategy and direction to take your business or career to the next level

➡️ Lacking confidence in your work and having trouble showing up in your authority/power


🔥 FULLY aligned to your highest timeline and FULLEST potential (we align both your identity & frequency - AKA the root of your reality)

🔥 Free of lower frequency limiting beliefs / programming that use to keep you second guessing every move you made

🔥 Clear of any blocks that were slowing you down from receiving the money and success you desire

🔥 Operating at a higher level of confidence + authority (fully stepped into the leader you are here to be)

🔥 Already attracting desires & opportunities (these will begin to trickle in DAYS after our session & will ramp up over time to fully shift your reality over the next few weeks)

🔥 in full AUTHORITY and ACTION, applying effective strategies that feel aligned to YOU and will take your life, business/career to the next level

🔥 Crystal clear on what actions to take to actually receive ALLLL the desires you have been calling in

🔥 Click Here to Book HTA 1:1 Session 🔥
Click Here to Book w/ Payment Plan (klarna + afterpay)

1 hour 45 minutes ⏱️

See, experience & discover 1-3 past lives. Break soul patterns & contracts. Receive DEEP cellular healing. Uncover your gifts & soul purpose.

In the Quantum Past Life Regression Session, I guide you in...

🔮 Exploring 1-3 past incarnations

🔮 Clearing karmic patterns or unhelpful soul contracts

🔮 Healing deeply ingrained trauma & limiting beliefs

🔮 Receiving answers for questions about your life's path, purpose, gifts, relationships + more

🔮 Receiving deep energetic, cellular and emotional healing to up-level in every area of your life

🔥 Click Here to Book Past Life 1:1 Session 🔥
Click Here to Book w/ Payment Plan (klarna + afterpay)

1 hour 30 minutes ⏱️

Untangle yourself & cut ties with ex partners, trauma, limiting beliefs / blocks, and people from your past!

In the Quantum Cord Cutting Session, I guide you in...

⚡️  Releasing mental, emotional, physical, and energetic ties to people, experiences & wounds that no longer serve you and your highest good

⚡️  Clearing your electromagnetic (energy) field + resetting your frequency to the highest level possible

⚡️  Healing from traumatic experiences & childhood wounds on a deep, cellular level

⚡️  Creating room to receive new, POSITIVE (desired) experiences, friendships, and romantic relationships

All of which will create a positive ripple effect of FREEDOM, security, true self-love & purpose.

*This is a session type that was previously only offered to current clients. However, it unexpectedly spread through word of mouth like wildfire as clients were experiencing amazing results. Because of this, I have decided to offer it to the general public, knowing that people NEED this type of healing work. Booking will open soon!*


Get on the waitlist to be the first to book! 👇

Reenee K., Canada

Abby's sessions are amazing! She provides complex healing in a very easy to receive way. The tools and techniques she gives are to the point and get you to where you want to be fast. VERY FAST. Every session was uplifting and the support was compassionate, insightful, and unique to anyone I've worked with before. The sessions have provided an amazing push financially in my business. If you're thinking about it, just jump into a session, she's awesome!!

Christine D., New York

This journey with Abby has been so profound. I have become magnetic to opportunities I never thought possible before! Working with Abby has transformed my confidence and changed my subconscious so deeply that it's easy for me to be the version of me I've always dreamed of being. After each session, I see doses of change everywhere & feel aligned with the highest version of me. Our work together has given me another chance at life! Thank you!

Christian, Germany

I felt for a long time, that there was more but I had the feeling that I was stuck. I knew that I needed help. Abby was the best coach I could imagine. Her guidance through questions and techniques was so uplifting and inspiring that after the first session nearly every block was gone and we had a second session, where gratitude was all over my life. I cannot recommend enough to work with Abby. What you see on Social Media is only a fraction of what she can really unlock in you.

From Melody, following her Highest Timeline Activator 1:1 session...

"I have no doubt that I not only jumped an uncountable number of timelines, but was in a divine place so full of love and light. I was thrilled with the perspective I gained from that session and feel I have a lot of questions answered on how I'm going to get from here to there, "there". I had a bit of skepticism going into the session but now that I'm on the other side of it, I am a solid believer in her gifts. If you are on the fence about this, I highly encourage you to make that appointment and let her help you. It is truly life-changing. Thank you, Abby 🙌🏻🙏🏻"

From Jay, following his Highest Timeline Activator 1:1 session...

"Everything resonated, which is very rare for everything a person says to actually resonate. This was a very sharp and professional experience for me. Hardly any coach does that. I have worked with many. It was a really great experience. Recommended for everyone who is currently struggling with something, but also for those who want to get to the next level. If someone feels attracted, they should definitely do it. 100% won't regret it."

From Tshai, following her Quantum Cord Cutting 1:1 session...

"Abby is so fun and easy to talk to that I did not realize I was experiencing a shift. She enabled  fast transitions and old issues to be surfaced so that they could be purged. This led to receiving many new friendships and opportunities I was calling in. Most surprising, is that some of this energetic work in the background that she did, did not end right after the session. Months after, new shifts happened and it wasn't until after, that I realized the cord cutting was still working."

Alex, New York

"I have never considered hiring a coach until I came across Abby's videos. Her energy and positivity radiated through the screen so much so that I signed up immediately. I can honestly say it has had a powerful and pivotal snowball effect on my life. After the first meeting I felt the shift and it's gotten more and more powerful week after week. Abby was able to help me recognize my blocks in a helpful and non-judgemental way all while cheering me on.

I have recommend her programs and services to several friends and the accountability was especially helpful in moving toward my specific manifestation and business goals. I have never had a clearer vision and every time I get off of a call, something else happens that shows me that the universe is indeed shifting to align with my goals. 10/10 recommend Abby as a coach and guide."

Alex has since launched her parenting brand, Citymouse, which has been a HUGE success, almost to 1M in sales within 2 years. Her brand has been featured in Forbes, Popsugar, TLC, and is in the works to be carried in major retail stores across the globe.

Lauren M., New York / LA

"Never have I seen as much transformation in my life as I have experienced in working with Abby. Seriously. I did a complete 180 with my life. I quit my 9-5 job, attracted two new high paying long-term clients for my business, doubled my business revenue, and mapped out a move to New York City for this fall!

I would not have made these significant changes if it wasn’t for the inner work guidance and vision work that I did with Abby. Seriously. She got me here FAST. I have officially parted ways with the old me, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store with my new identity. Thank you times a million!!!"

Post working together, Lauren is on track to publish her first novel and has experienced massive success in her consulting business. Woohoo!!

To effortlessly attract BIG streams of income all while feeling SAFE...


To no longer struggle to attract your desired relationship and instead watch your SOUL MATE, loving relationship unfold right before your eyes...


To wake up to an AVALANCHE of SUCCESS in your business or career that allows you to buy the house, pick out the car and travel to your dream destinations...


🔥 Book a 1:1 HTA Session 🔥

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